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ID-Concept Boutique Prestige


Kolye Odeon Silver


The "Odeon" jewelry collection is a timeless classic, that would suit any style. Each of the charms is adornad by a subtle zircon, giving it an understated elegance. This silver necklace is modern & feminine. Its size is adaptable and it is finished with a beautiful plate engraved with the iconic "Cacharel" logo. A must have.

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Paketleme: CBA001
Ambalajlı ağırlık: 90 g
Ambalajsız ağırlık 4 g
Katalog sayfası: 37
Toplam ağırlık 10.029 kg
Parsel boyutları (L x l x h): 300 x 400 x 500
Cilt: 0.06 m³
Koli başına adet: 100
Weight: 4
Dimension: 465 mm
Color: Silver
Material: Brass
CN8 Intrastat: 7117 1900
Barcode EAN13: 5420056173056
Code UPC: 840918173058
Country of origin: China
Composition: 95% Brass,5% Chrome plating
Contents: CJC220B

Kolye Odeon Silver

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